Monday 26 August 2013

Organizations Elements

Work Specialisation 

  • increase employee skills
  • training to be more efficient 
  • Job is broken down into steps

  • grouping job together normally as per function: Business Function (Finance, marketing, HR and Production) 
  • more efficiency
  • types of product (Geography & Territory, Per customer)

Chain Of Command 
  • people with most authority give command to low
  • extends from high to low

Span Of Control
  • structure of a business
  • easier to control for a wider span
  • the wider it is the better it is because it is more organise 

Centralisation & Decentralisation 
  • Centralisation - Decision made by top authority
  • Decentralisation - Decision made by top authority and also employees
  • Decentralisation are used by most company to reduce mistakes 

  • rules and regulations
  • Jobs within the organization are standardized 

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