Friday 30 August 2013

Recruitment & Selection

  • Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organisation needs to employ someone up to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organisation. 
  • Selection then consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post.


Step 1: Job Description ( Describe about the job you want to apply for )
Step 2: Job/Person Specification ( The qualifications of the job )
Step 3: Name the places where an organization can advertise the vacancy )
Step 4: Receiving application ( Draft your own CV )
Step 5: Interview 
Step 6: Selecting the right candidate 

Source from:

Monday 26 August 2013

Organization Designs

Simple Organization 

  • flat organization 
  • wide span of control
  • fast decision easy to maintain (cheap)

Bureauciacy Organization

  • leader in a company
  • employees have the spirit to do the jobs (Dictator)
  • worker must allow leaders 

Matrix Organization 

  • functional department 
  • advertising company
  • Disadvantage: difficult coordinating the tax

Team Organisation
  • breaks down department barriers

Virtual Organisation
  • no departments
  • no chain of command 
  • flexibility 

  • T-form (Technology based ) organisation 

Organizations Elements

Work Specialisation 

  • increase employee skills
  • training to be more efficient 
  • Job is broken down into steps

  • grouping job together normally as per function: Business Function (Finance, marketing, HR and Production) 
  • more efficiency
  • types of product (Geography & Territory, Per customer)

Chain Of Command 
  • people with most authority give command to low
  • extends from high to low

Span Of Control
  • structure of a business
  • easier to control for a wider span
  • the wider it is the better it is because it is more organise 

Centralisation & Decentralisation 
  • Centralisation - Decision made by top authority
  • Decentralisation - Decision made by top authority and also employees
  • Decentralisation are used by most company to reduce mistakes 

  • rules and regulations
  • Jobs within the organization are standardized 

Organizational Structure

What is an Organizational Structure?

  • A structure for an organization that describes the different levels of responsibility and how decisions are put to practice.
Span of Control: How many employees/people a person is in charge.
Chain of Command: The way is which decisions are pass down. 

All about Organizations
Organizations Elements
Organization Designs

Thursday 22 August 2013

Laissez-Faire Leadership

What is Laissez-Faire leadership?

  • Every members are hands off even the boos and allow members to make decision.
  • managers/Employees have freedom to do what they think is best.
  • Conscious decision to delegate power. 

Example of Lassez-Faire Leader

Adam Smith 
- wrote many books including his thoughts on the invisible hand which still have merit in modern capitalism today

Democratic Leadership

What is Democratic Leadership?

  • All members in the group are involved in the process of decision making.
  • Focus on power is more with the group as a whole.
  • Most popular leadership style because of the positive emotional connotations of acting democratically.
  •  Characteristics 
  • Involving
  • Discussion
  • Conversation
  • Uniqueness and originality 
Example Democratic Leader 
Andrew Jackson

Autocratic Leadership

What is Autocratic Leadership?

  • Autocratic Leadership are also known as Authoritarian Leadership.
  • A country with a dictator.
  • Clear division between the leader and the followers.
  • Decision making was less creative under Autocratic leadership.
  • Leaders that have unlimited authority and power to control and demand the members. 
  • Best applied under situations where there is limited time for decision making. 


  • Directive Behaviors
  • Decides Alone
  • Focuses on Tasks

Examples of Autocratic leader

Adolf Hitler

  • German Politician 
  • Leader of Nazi Party 

Source from:

Every thing about Leadership

*Leadership is the process of influencing or have good affects on people and provide an environment and objectives for them to achieve it in groups. 

Please check the below to know whether you can be a leader?


                                                                                                              3 easy requirements of leadership

  1. Active participation
  2. Engaging in conscious decision making
  3. Appreciation of Multiple perspectives

--There are 3 styles of leadership --