Monday 23 September 2013

Steve Jobs

Leader Born or Made ?

In my own opinion, leader was born then only made. If a person was not born how can the person be a leader? I think that leaders are born then they are only trained professionally and made out into a successful leader. There is no people that are already Made to be a leader when they are born, they are born then only made to be a leader.

Steve Jobs
About Steve....

  • Born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California
  • Biological parents, Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali
  • Steve was then adopted by lower middle class people, Paul and Clara Jobs
  • Interested in engineers work on electronics

Who is he?

  • Entrepreneur
  • Marketer
  • Inventor
  • Co-founder of Apple Computers
  • CEO of Apple INC.

What did Steve Jobs did?

  • In 1984, Steve Jobs founded NeXT computers. 
  • In 1986, he bought the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm Ltd and started Pixar Animation Studios.

He was famous for....

  • Inventing the first successful home computers with a mouse-driven graphical user.
  • founder and leading proprietor for Apple Inc

Leadership Styles
In my own opinion Jobs was an Autocratic Leader. He demanded work of excellence from his worker and staff. He surrounded himself with like minded people to follow his steps. He wasn't a good delegator, he wanted himself to be involved in every details and decisions been made. 

I admire him because.....
Jobs can bring amazing people to work for him next. Although he is an Autocratic Leader but he brings motivation to each of his workers and staff who had followed him. He was known for his blunt delivery of Criticism. 

Organisational Structure of Apple INC.

The Organisational Structure of Apple INC. is really good and in good arrangement. The Apple INC. is divided into small departments so that the staff and workers can work specifically. Different departments have each a leader in-charge of the department. If I were in this Co. I would not change any of the people and leader because I trust and have confident of Steve Jobs' Autocratic Leadership of bringing good people to work for him next. I will make the Co. better by inventing more Apple products that have the status of it but not like nowadays Apple came up with different colours of IPhone. Actually Iphone was only meant to be in 2 colurs that is White and Black but now the status as gone Apple is in different colours. 

Job Description:

Be inspired everyday.

Opportunities near and far.
“We’re like a jigsaw puzzle. We each have our own expertise, and we all fit together.”
Job Specification:

  • Idealists
  • Inventors
  • Forever tinkering with products and processes, always on the lookout for better. 
  • Requires a lot of you, but it’s also one that rewards bright. 
  • original thinking and hard work. 

Job Description:

  • No small work to manage
  • Missions

In my own opinion the recruitment in Apple INC. is open, fair and equal opportunities. Apple INC requires people who think out of the box and look for the better this will attract more people because people nowadays are finding jobs that are more open and they can give more creativity in it. 

Store Leader would be my Job Position in Apple INC. because....
They are looking for people with premium-brand retail store or district leadership experience who are ready to take it up a notch. An innovative thinker, a master strategic planner, and an excellent coach, partner, and friend. I am a person with the personalities and qualities above. I am very strict when it comes to work. 

There are 3 different types of training in Apple INC.

  1. Personal
  2. Group
  3. Open

Before you go to work the Apple INC will put you into Training of different types. First they will start from the Workshops. To let the worker to know Apple products inside and out. Explore the basics of Mac, iPad, iPhone, or iPod. The applications of Apple will be taught so that the worker have more knowledge about the work.

Steve Jobs do not have a specific device in mind. He gave missions to Iphone Teams so that they could achieve the goals and objectives he wants. He wants the Iphone team to design a phone that people love it so much and they could not leave the house without it. Steve Jobs focused on the fundamentals - breaking the rules, but in an exceptionally well manner; paying attention to details; and making people focus on the relationship they have with their device.  His fixation with details and perfection motivates the employees. The employees knew Jobs’ wallet was guided by his heart, and that he was not in it for the money, but for the glory of building something great and everlasting, or to use the more common cliché, sustainable.

Corporate Culture
Apple has its fair share of red tape that can frustrate employees. But those issues go away and projects take on a "startup level urgency" when something is given the attention of company co-founder Jobs. "If you have a project that Steve is not involved in, it will take months of meetings to move things forward," Little wrote. "If Steve wants it done, it's done faster than anyone thinks is humanly possible. The best way to get any cross departmental work done is to say it's for Steve and you'd probably have it the same day." 
Former CEO Steve Jobs was notorious for pushing his employees harder-than-hard and, according to company urban legend, once fired an employee in the elevator for not having a good enough answer to the question "So what have you done for Apple lately?"
It's pretty easy to imagine that this attitude could creep into the corporate culture even though Maislos was with Apple when Tim Cook was CEO.
The company is one that thrives on secrecy and obsessive attention to detail, and this approach is less than conducive to friendliness.
It might be an unconventional strategy (or even an undesirable one), but it's hard to argue with results – Apple is one of the most successful and valuable companies today. And this tough-as-nails attitude might be at the root of it.

Source from:


Corporate Culture

What is Corporate Culture ?

A Corporate Culture is a company's behavior/culture/structure of doing things.

Different company have different Corporate Culture. 

Thursday 12 September 2013

Motivational Theories

                     Motivational Theories

Motivation is the company look for the needs and wants of the worker and make them work harder

                                             -Types of Motivations -

Non Financial Motivation


Wednesday 11 September 2013


        -Training is the action of teaching a person a particular skill or type of behavior-

Benefits of training:

- Increase skills
- Increase knowledge
- Change attitude
- Raise awareness

3 types of Training 

  1. Induction Training - Introduce new employees/workers to their business
  2. On the Job Training - Trained by watching professionals
  3. Off the Job Training - Workers go another place for training